tehuacan location
Tehuacan is a city, town and municipality located in the southeastern Mexican state of Puebla, located 130 km from the city of Puebla, 257 km from Mexico City and 321 km from Oaxaca City, at an altitude of 1,676 meters, semi-warm and semi-dry climate. The population according to the census of 2010 is 274.907 inhabitants.
main attractions and interest places
City Hall
Formerly known as "the house of the high, was built in the year 1804 by mr. Don Apresa Sunday, and was seen in the city as the first particular two-story building.Its construction was a challenge to the Franciscans because it would clog the front of this religious site and the convent. The acquisition of this property took place the year of 1844 but was until 1855, when they began to move some government agencies.
The murals on the ground floor leading into the palace known as Tehuacan and 5 regions. Conducted in 1983 and 1984 by the Tehuacan originating Carpinteyro brothers. And in the year 1989, the artist painted the mural Cuthbert Correa "agony and hope, " which is located inside the municipal palace

This museum was opened on July 31, 1998 and represents a scientist's dream come true and sinking into one of colors and shapes to visit this museum. Its creator, a man of great erudition won the Carnegie Medal awarded by the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, discovered two minerals Mexicans and Ojuelaita Malpimita, humanist greatly advanced by the time we opened the door of knowledge and awareness of the raw material and forms around us: the minerals.
We passed on his knowledge and a catalog of them in the museum, with pieces from around the world. It is one of the most beautiful museums in the world and unique in Latin America, with all parts listed with their chemical composition giving us a thematic collection invites us to study and leads us to appreciate what we have in Mexico, mining country.
Ex Convento de San Francisco
The former convent of San Francisco was built in 1592, before this temple was erected in Calcahualco (Tehuacán old), but twenty years later had to move the current place for a malaria-endemic problem had been sick monks and the plague of ants and rattlesnakes that she could not progress.
On August 21, 1724 during the celebrations to commemorate the 203 years since the fall of Tenochtitlan foundation stone was laid and the efforts of the inhabitants of the city, four years later it was over, its main entrance framed by the towers Renaissance style. More than 130 angels adorn the church. It is located at 1 East and 2nd. of Morelos. Religious building dating from the eighteenth century, dedicated to the Virgen de la Concepción, has characteristics of Baroque architecture, Neoclassical style inside Herreriano.
Temple and Ex Convento del Carmen

was built over two hundred years for the evangelization of the region of Tehuacán, as a token of recognition of the value of the inhabitants of the lands in America, with body and soul, spirit and matter. Construction over the decades has witnessed momentous events in the history of Mexico and the city itself. Today, the Convent and Church of Carmen are still alive and doing a service to man through the elements that fed into his mind: religion, history, culture and art.
Tehuacan Valley Museum.

bread called donkey is because when there is the donkey pande then the only means by which to bring bread to the city could only use a donkey as a transport and this situation was given the name of bread donkey
Dulce Mexican staple wheat flour-covered caramel. Small pillows of wheat flour fried in vegetable oil, sugar coated candy and brown sugar.
The name El muégano is a reference to the "family muégano. " Muégano family is one whose members (grandparents, parents, siblings, children, grandchildren, uncles and cousins) remain constant and close together, sometimes even beyond what is healthy.
hip mole

In preparation for the mass of meat used hips and hip bone, salt-based seasonings and chile broth with red meat boiled with hips and wild beans. The flavor of the dish is typical of meat goats, meat get a strong flavor characteristic with which traditional dishes are prepared.
baby shoes
livestock salt
baby shoes
livestock salt
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